PTC has been mastering vibrolance technology and developing innovative pile-driving solutions for over 80 years.
In the early 1970s, PTC was the first to introduce the hydraulic vibrodriver. Later, it launched the high-frequency Vibrodriver that can control variable amplitude. Because of these innovations, PTC is still a leader in this technology today.
PTC pile-driving solutions
PTC makes construction equipment for deep foundations and ground improvement. PTC tools are made for driving piles, like sheet piles and H beams, as well as for vibration-compaction and ballasted columns. PTC makes vibro solutions you can rely on for your project needs. Examples include:
Product Lines
Vibro-compaction works best with granular soils that don't have many small particles. This technique uses Vibrolance, which creates vibrations to help rearrange the non-cohesive soil particles closer together.
When the vibrolance shakes the soil, it helps reduce the forces between the particles, making them settle into a denser and more compact arrangement.
Excavator mounted vibrodrivers
The Vibro-compaction technique helps make loose soil denser, especially when there's not a lot of fine material. It works by using the Vibrodriver to vibrate/shift the soil particles around, making them fit together better. This makes the soil stronger.
PTC excavator-mounted vibrodrivers are made for driving and pulling out different types of piles, like sheet piles, H beams, casings, concrete piles, and wooden piles. They make it easy to get the job done with an excavator.
Free hanging vibrodrivers
PTC has a range of free-hanging vibrodrivers for you to choose from. They include HFV, High-Frequency Vibrodrivers featuring PTC's special variable-moment technology, and H/HD, Standard-Frequency Vibrodrivers with a fixed eccentric moment.
Ground Improvement
PTC offers equipment ground improvement for vibrocompactions and stone columns. These include vibrolances, power packs, water jetting pumps, all-in-one stone column rigs, Vibrolances (BFS), Vibrolances (top feed), and air compressors.
We’ll Help You Find the Right Equipment
We now offer leasing, loans, equipment refinancing, residual leases, seasonal leases, seasonal payment options, repairs financing, and more! Financing is available with tooling on rig purchases.