The MR-2 ID is a portable hydraulic drilling unit able to operate on steep surfaces.

It’s tubular structure, with a wide base and three supports, allows the unit to adjust itself to the uneven ground while moving; the possibility to rotate the supports of 90° allows for an easy lateral translation. The MR-2 ID has a hydraulic rotating head for using DTH hammer, or with a rotopercussion hydro-pneumatic rock drill for hollow bar. A hydraulic cylinder moves the hydraulic feed for crowd and retraction.

Like all Marini units, you can customize the MR-2 ID in relation to different needs.

  • Power Pack Engine: 20 – 23 – 30 Hp
  • Torque, RPM and/or Percussion based on model of Head used
  • Retract Force: 2248 – 3372 lbf
  • Max.Clamp Passage: 4.5 – 7.4 in
  • Weight: 837 – 1433 lbs

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